
USB-C charging: Universal or bust! We plug in every device we have to chase the dream - covingtonfinand

Updated with two new USB-C laptops that reinforcement Index Delivery.

Interested in USB-C chargers and charging? Here's the subsequence to this fib that shows the world has so changed.

We're Hera to tell you about the second way USB-C is great for engineering. You already know the early fashio—the ability to plug a cable into your device without thinking about the orientation. Hallelujah. But the unnoted vantage—for laptops, at least—could be the promise of universal USB-C charging. Rather than e'er having to carry your laptop's charging brick with you, you could, in theory, just borrow a friend's battery charger.

Technically, charging over USB dismiss hap over USB Type-A ports too, just well-nig vendors I've talked don't think that'll Be adopted. Instead USB-C seems to be the port everyone is coalescing round.

Today, of course, we're a world away from that realism. From Microsoft's Surface Pro 4 to Apple's MacBook Air 13, the vast majority of laptops still use proprietary chargers. Still, a some USB-C-hopped-up devices do exist, and we gathered them up to stage a "plugfest," examination USB-C's likely for universality.

pileolaptops2 Gordon Mah Ung

All three of these laptops have USB-C ports for charging, but does that mean their chargers are replaceable? Let's find out!

Our USB-C-powered subjects included Apple's MacBook 12, Google's new (2022-epoch) Chromebook Picture element, HP's Spectre X2, and the Huawei-collective Nexus 6P smartphone. We've also since added Dell's newest XPS 13 and Razer's Sword Stealth. All feature the newfangled USB-C port wine, and all but the Dell comes with its own charger. Dell, cleverly, can be negatively charged via a standard Dell chew or its USB-C port.

I also threw in a curve ball by including Innergie's inexperient PowerGear USB-C 45 charger. As its name implies, information technology has a utmost output of 45 watts, and is certified to work with Malus pumila's MacBook.

For the first try out, I took each device's charger and plugged IT into another device and noticeable whether IT would charge from within the OS. If I'd taken other workweek Beaver State so to play, I could have drained the devices and plumbed the time information technology takes to recharge. At this stage in the game, even so, I'm just about obsessed that a twist charges—period.

usb c laptops stack Gordon Mah Ung

Happening top is Apple MacBook 12 followed by: Razer Blade Stealth, HP Specter X2, Dell XPS 13 2022, Google Picture element 2022. All thrill via USB Type-C ports using Power Delivery.

When I remember universal laptop charging, I entertain the famous World War II photo of Land troops shaking hands with American troops on the shattered Elbe River bridge circuit. Do the results of my tests live up to this symbol of single and mean an death to proprietary bricks? Non quite.

When I originally did this plugfest, I had just triad laptops that charged over USB-C ports: The HP Spectre X2, Apple's MacBook 12 and Google's Chromebook Pixel. For the about divide, it worked as you foretold: Google and Apple's bricks worked with each past and both besides aerated from HP's battery charger. HP was the odd-duck device—more on that later.

Where it gets more complicated is with Razer's new Blade Stealth and Dingle's updated XPS 13. Both worked upright fine with the Picture element and Innergie, but they had issues with the HP and Apple chargers. Here's the nitty-gritty with green as a go, and red as a no-proceed.

usb c laptop charting

We've tested two more laptops for Power Delivery concluded USB Character-C and here's how they do.

Things are hunky-walleyed pike for Apple and Google, but the actual PC OEMs are little more picky about their charging habits. Why is not clear to me, but it could be which power rails they shoot from and what the chargers provide. It's no surprise, for example, that the puny Apple charger can't charge the higher-powered Dingle and Razer laptops. I suspect it would knead with the HP twist if Horsepower let it.

Some good news, some bad news

One fantasy I've had is charging a laptop using a smartphone charger. That reality isn't quite here yet. I could actually load the MacBook 12 with its flyspeck shield and Core m chip with the tiny 15-W Nexus 6P fence in wart, but IT did so alone at a much slower rate. The Chromebook Pixel also accepted the phone's charger, though it flashed an alert almost a "David Low-power charger" and warned that the laptop may not consign when powered up.  I doubt you'd be able to charge any laptop that's under a heavy power load, simply in a tweet, a USB-C phone charger could do the caper. Think about that: You could plausibly merely borrow your friend's smartphone charger when your laptop battery dies!

The same phone charger couldn't get along with the bigger, hungrier devices. The XPS 13 was a no-get over as substantially as the Razer Blade Stealth—even when remove. The Spectre X2 too didn't work but that was no surprise (see below.)

lowpowercharger Gordon Mah Ung

Plug a smartphone charger into the newfound Google Picture element's USB-C port and IT'll admonish you that the twist whitethorn not charge when along.

Why H.P.'s the odd duck

In the chart above you privy see in that respect's unmatched vendor with a glaring-colored problem: HP with its Spectre X2. Keep in idea, I've updated the Specter X2 with the latest UEFI and information technology still won't work with third-party chargers. Here's why.

After speaking with HP officials about the outlet, it appears the company is just playing IT safe. Fearing that a counterfeit operating room out-of-spec battery charger could realize the touchscreen or audio frequency subsystem flaky, HP has limited the access non-certified chargers have to the twist. For now, HP exec Mike Nash told America, only "long" charging, or charging while the device is off, is supported.

"Are we beingness too conservative?" Nash asked. "I Don River't think out so."

HP is bound up to USB-C—it already has four or five devices that use IT for charging. The accompany just doesn't believe the specification is intelligent for fungibility yet.

Lee Atkinson, a important applied scientist at HP who's been leading the effort to corral PC makers around USB-C, said the upcoming Power Delivery 3.0 spec should solve many an of the outstanding issues, such arsenic how much potential dro to supply and how to control which way power flows betwixt cardinal devices. Atkinson said OEMs all agree it has to be done right and with group consensus.

pileochargers Gordon Mah Ung
Here's the pile of stuff I well-tried, minus the Nexus 6P.

We push harder happening USB-C charging

With the laptops embezzled care of, we took a closer deal the Nexus 6P, plugging it into from each one of the laptops using the stock USB-C cable to see what would happen. (The laptops were steam-powered on and running connected battery.) In all cases, the phone charged, but as we discovered with the power bricks, the Nexus 6P's charge rate varied. On the Specter X2 and the MacBook 12, the Nexus 6P charged at its presumably higher "Charging rapidly" grade. On the Google Chromebook Pixel, nevertheless, the Nexus 6P according "Charging slowly," which suggests a ill-use down in the mouth from just "Charging."


Oddly, when plugged into Google's freshly Pixel over a standard USB-C cable, the Google Nexus 6P charged at its slowest rate.

The discrepancies between the Nexus 6P's charging rate with the power bricks versus the standard cable is likely ascribable how much power the USB-C ports on the devices put out out versus how much the power bricks retire. If you're curious about the voltage and amperage of the single bricks, see the chart below.

usbcchargers updated

Not completely USB Type-C chargers are the same

Always since Google's new Chromebook Pixel came out, I've wondered what would bechance if you plugged a separate USB-C charger into to each one of its USB-C ports. Like the Spectre X2, the Pixel bathroom be live from either port. I plugged the MacBook's charger into the left porthole and the Pixel's charger into the right port.

Nothing caught on fire (darn!), just the Pixel is fast sufficient that you give the sack pull a charger from either embrasure and it won't vamoose a beat. I could, for example, unplug the Pixel charger and accept it run on the MacBook charger, and then fire hydrant the Pixel charger in reply in and disconnect the MacBook courser, without interruption.

HP mentioned that single of the issues still being worked out is how the spec responds when you connect one laptop's USB-C larboard to other's. In theory, the Mogul Delivery spec allows you to charge a ally's laptop from yours, antitrust as if you were jump-starting someone's car.

usbconusbcaction Gordon Mah Ung

USB-C's Power Saving mode should allow the Google Pixel to charge the Malus pumila MacBook 12.

To put that to the test, I took the Google Pixel with its battery at 100 percent and obstructed it into the MacBook 12 at 61 percent.The charging picture on the MacBook changed, merely its assault and battery continued to muster out, and the OS indicated that it wasn't charging at entirely.

itsnotreallycharging Gordon Mah Ung

The lightning deadbolt suggests that the Google Picture element is charging the MacBook 12, but the last mentioned started out with 61 percent battery.


I wealthy person no doubt that oecumenical charging for laptops will follow a reality one day connected laptops, but right now it's pretty messy. Whether that's because vendors are "waiting" for the new USB Big businessman Delivery 3.0 spec Beaver State they still possess warehouses of power bricks to purge, I don't know.

When I started this project with three laptops, I was far Sir Thomas More affirmative that it would "just work." Since I've added two more laptops to the mix, it's become clear to me that a distribute more has to happen first.

The about embarrassing aspect for PC fans is it's the OEMs who seem to be be in the to the highest degree disagreement, spell Apple, Google, and Huawei are more acceptive. To be fair to PC OEMs, they make the most laptops. Orchard apple tree and Google's MacBook 12 and Pixel units affected belik don't add rising to 1 pct of what Dell and H.P. transport in a month, so there's simply less interoperability to worry about.


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